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Thank you for your interest in working with Zakeya LaNique Photography! I can't wait to help you decorate your home with luxury high-quality archival products. Photographing your legacy is a beautiful way to document your family. These timeless products will be passed down over a lifetime. From your children to their children, so forth, and so on. Let the legacy building begin...


Exciting News!

ZLP now offers PayPal Pay Later. 

Pick all the photos you love without the stress of paying in full. 


Session fees books you on my calendar and begin at $250 for Maternity, Child & Family Sessions / $300 for Newborn Sessions.

Print Collections begin at $690. Digital Collections begins at $590.


The session fee is NOT the total price. The session fee does not include images. 


The number of images you receive will depend on the photography collection you select. 




Please fill out my inquiry form on the Contact page and check your email for your video consultation ​that will give you all the details you need to know before deciding to move forward with booking.

We can't wait to hear from you!


Studio Safety/ COVID Precautions

H E I R L O O M   P R O D U C T S

Wall Art


Heirloom Album

Heirloom Box

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